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Halitosis & What You Should Know About It

Halitosis is more commonly known as chronic bad breath. Halitosis can be an embarrassing problem, causing some to become self-conscious and avoid situations where they may interact with friends or family. Halitosis is often caused by poor oral hygiene, but it can also be a symptom of a larger problem.

What Causes Halitosis?

Food debris and bacteria being allowed to accumulate in the mouth can cause halitosis. If plaque and food aren’t brushed and flossed out of the teeth, bacteria can begin to form and take over. The odor of these bacteria is what causes bad breath.

In addition to poor oral hygiene, halitosis can also be caused by periodontal disease (gum disease), and dry mouth (a lack of saliva). Many things can cause dry mouth including certain disorders and medications. Let your dentist know if you suffer from any diseases or disorders and if dry mouth is a side effect of any medications you may be on.

How To Treat Halitosis

Suffering from halitosis can be unpleasant. But fortunately, it can be easily treated and managed with help from a dental professional.

The treatment of halitosis will include a professional deep cleaning of the gums and teeth. This special dental cleaning will rid your mouth of the odorous bacteria, as well as any remaining food debris. Once your mouth is clean, your dentist may recommend a special kind of antibacterial toothpaste or mouthwash. These will prevent your halitosis from returning.

If you suffer from periodontal disease or from chronic bad breath, please contact Coastal Periodontics today! Our office is located in Portsmouth, NH!

Posted on Nov 23, 2016
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