Managing Your Canker Sores

Canker sores are small, red sores that can occur in the soft tissues inside the mouth. This includes the lips, gums, the inside of the cheeks, and on the tongue. Canker sores can be painful and irritating, especially when trying to eat and chew. If you get canker sores, you’re not alone – in fact, around one in five people get them on a regular basis. Cold sores aren’t contagious but do tend to run in families.
Causes Of Canker Sores
- Food allergies
- Vitamin deficiencies – especially iron, folic acid, and Vitamin B12
- Injury to the mouth
- Biting or chewing on the lips or cheeks as a nervous habit
- Toothpaste or floss sensitivity
- Stress and anxiety
- Brushing your teeth too vigorously
While canker sores can be uncomfortable and painful, there are ways to avoid getting them or lessening their severity.
Managing Canker Sores
- Take a multivitamin to make sure your body has the right nutrients
- Eat plenty of yogurt or chew acidophilus tablets
- Avoid any foods you may have a sensitivity to
- Avoid salty, spicy, or acidic foods
- Brush your teeth gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush
- If you do get a canker sore, swish a mixture of baking soda and water around your mouth a few times a day
- Use over-the-counter treatments such as Orajel, Camphor, and Benzocaine to help with the pain
For more resources on maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile, or to make an appointment with Dr. Kate Wilson, please contact Coastal Periodontics today at our Portsmouth, New Hampshire office.