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Jun 8, 2020
How to Select Dental Products
When you shop for a toothbrush these days, you’re presented with a huge amount of options. That’s not even mentioning floss, toothpaste, and even mouthwash. It can be hard to know which products are right for you.
May 25, 2020
4 Adjustments to Your Diet that Can Help Improve Dental Health
We all know that flossing and brushing are the best ways to keep our teeth healthy and strong. However, the food you eat is also a very important part of achieving and maintaining good dental health. Cutting back on sugar,…
May 11, 2020
Maintaining Dental Health While Under COVID-19 Quarantine
In the middle of the COVID-19 global pandemic, we know that good dental hygiene may not be at the top of your checklist. However, this could change very quickly if you develop a painful dental cavity or infection and are…
Apr 27, 2020
Kicking Your Soda Habit for Good!
Soda is highly acidic, very addicting, contains excessive sugar and calories, and wreaks havoc on your dental health! However, many people still have a daily soda habit, sometimes even drinking multiple cans a day.
Apr 13, 2020
4 Tips on Properly Caring for Your Toothbrush
The way that you store and care for your toothbrush can impact your oral health. Many of us don’t think twice about how we’re storing and sanitizing our toothbrush, but it’s something we should pay more attention to! Making…
Mar 23, 2020
Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Not only will impacted wisdom teeth cause pain, and infection, but they can cause more serious issues as well. For example, tumors and cysts are much more likely to be found in impacted wisdom teeth.
Mar 9, 2020
Are Gummy Vitamins Bad for Teeth?
Gummy vitamins came out in the late ‘60s and have steadily gained popularity over time. Vitamins were put in gummy form to make it easier for children and those who have trouble swallowing pills while still delivering…
Feb 24, 2020
The Use of Botox in Dentistry
When you hear the word “Botox,” your first thoughts are probably about its use as a wrinkle remover when injected into the skin. This is an accurate assumption because Botox is currently the most common cosmetic procedure. In…
Feb 10, 2020
How Valentine’s Day Chocolate May be Beneficial
Valentine’s Day is approaching, and many lucky Valentines can expect to get flowers, stuffed animals, or a box of chocolates, among other things. In fact, lovers spend almost $1 billion on chocolate alone every Valentine’s…
Jan 27, 2020
What You Should Know About Glossitis
Around 80% of the population has a naturally occurring type of fungi in their mouths called candida albicans. In fewer numbers, these fungi are generally just a harmless part of your mouth’s natural flora. However, if their…
Jan 13, 2020
Preventing Dry Sockets
After a tooth is extracted, there’s a risk that you’ll develop a condition known as ‘dry sockets.’ This condition is very painful and can be treated, but it’s important to do all you can to prevent dry sockets from occurring…
Dec 23, 2019
What You Should Know About Geographic Tongue
Geographic tongue is a tongue condition that can cause the surface of the tongue to look like a map of the continents on a globe; which is where it got its name! It’s a benign condition and doctors and dentists are not sure…
Dec 17, 2019
Dental Emergencies
In the event of a dental emergency, the first thing you should do is contact your general dentist. Many dentists have time slots set aside for emergency procedures, so you’re likely to get an appointment quickly. However,…
Nov 25, 2019
Cracked Tooth Syndrome
Cracked tooth syndrome is a painful condition that occurs as a result of a crack in the tooth. The crack in the tooth can range between a small hairline crack and a fracture that reached from the crown of the tooth to roots.…
Nov 12, 2019
The Link Between Alzheimer’s and Gum Disease
Research has shown that, while family history plays the largest role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease, there are also some things you can do to delay the onset of the disease. The earlier these habits are…
Oct 30, 2019
What is Dry Brushing?
Dry brushing is what it’s called when you brush your teeth without using toothpaste or water. The reason for occasionally dry brushing is to learn how to better clean your teeth without the aid of toothpaste.
Oct 21, 2019
The Power of Smiles
A smile is a universal and smile gesture that lets the people around you know that you are approachable, friendly, and feeling good. We smile when we’re happy, but it’s also possible to smile in order to feel happiness.…
Oct 14, 2019
Will Midnight Snacking Cause Tooth Decay?
The urge to get a midnight snack can be a real battle for many people, especially those who are dieting. Other contributions to late-night snacking include stress, boredom, or insomnia. You can watch your resolve crumble as…
Sep 23, 2019
Diabetes and Gum Disease
It may surprise many people to hear that diabetes and gum disease are very closely linked. Your diabetes can increase the likelihood that you’ll develop gum disease or periodontal disease. In fact, one-third of diabetics will…
Sep 9, 2019
The Link Between Yogurt and Dental Health
Yogurt is a superfood, not just for your family’s overall health, but for their oral health too! Yogurt is becoming more popular than ever for people who are improving their diets and trying to eat healthier. There are many…
Aug 26, 2019
Adolescents and Periodontal Disease
Most people assume that gum disease and periodontitis is an adult disease, but it’s quite common in young adults and adolescents. If left untreated, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis, which has some scary health risks…
Jul 22, 2019
Contagious Cavities – Myth or Reality?
It’s a surprise to many people that dental cavities can be ‘contagious.’ For example, many parents are shocked to learn that their child has a dental cavity even though they practice impeccable oral hygiene at home. But even…
Jun 25, 2019
What Parents Should Know About Their Child’s First Dental Cavity
Dental cavities are very common in children, adolescents, and even babies. This is because baby tooth enamel is softer and more vulnerable than adult teeth, making it easier for bacteria and acids to weaken it and cause…
Jun 3, 2019
Three Questions to Ask Your Dentist at Your Next Checkup
There are ways to make the most out of your next visit to your general dentist. For example, asking a few simple questions can help you maximize your time in the dental chair as well as learn more about your dental health and…