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May 9, 2019
Common Misconceptions About Dental Cavities
There are very few people who can say they’ve never had a dental cavity. In fact, around 90% of the human population will have at least one cavity during their life. Even if you’ve had dental cavities in the past, you may not…
Apr 22, 2019
Things Your Tongue Can Reveal About Your Overall Health
There are a number of conditions that can manifest on your tongue. This is why it’s important to make sure that you view your tongue in the mirror frequently to check for the signs of a problem or make an appointment if you…
Apr 10, 2019
Dentures vs. Dental Implants – The Pros and Cons of Each Option
As people age, it’s natural to experience tooth loss for one reason or another. Unfortunately, having missing teeth can cause embarrassment as well as trouble eating and speaking properly. There are a few ways for a smile to…
Mar 26, 2019
Childhood Tooth Sensitivity
Sensitive teeth can be miserable, and even more so for children. Tooth sensitivity leads to pain in the teeth while chewing food, speaking, and even breathing air. Tooth sensitivity is caused when the tooth enamel is worn…
Mar 11, 2019
Important Vitamins and Minerals for Your Dental Health
In order to have the healthiest teeth and gums possible, it’s important to make sure that there are certain vitamins and minerals you’re consuming every day. These nutritional building blocks are a very important part of your…
Feb 25, 2019
Protecting Your Child’s Teeth During Sports Participation
Sports are a great hobby for kids to participate in! Not only do sports improve motor skills and provide a great excuse for exercise, but it also helps them learn how to solve conflict and work as a team. However, there are…
Feb 11, 2019
The Connection Between Gum Disease and Cancer
It seems like every day there’s new research connecting dental and oral health with overall health. But it’s not just teeth that need to be clean and healthy, it’s gum tissue as well. While bad dental health has been linked…
Jan 28, 2019
Baby Teeth Traditions Around the World
Most American kids get excited for a visit from the Tooth Fairy when they lose their teeth! The tradition goes that, when a baby tooth is placed under the pillow at night, the Tooth Fairy will come and exchange it for a…
Jan 15, 2019
Jaw Bone Loss Risk Factors
Jaw bone loss, also called osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) can result in the complete deterioration of the jaw and the bones and teeth supporting it. This disease can be difficult to catch, as there often aren’t many signs…
Dec 24, 2018
Common Myths About Dental Hygiene
The thought of visiting the dentist can give some people severe bouts of anxiety. In order to mollify this fear of the dentist, some people believe in dental myths. Unfortunately, this could increase your chances of needing…
Dec 10, 2018
Keeping Your Teeth Healthy During the Holiday Season
During the holiday season, most people spend time with family. Gift-giving, family dinners, and plenty of treats abound. Even though your oral health may be the last thing on your mind this season, it can be difficult to…
Nov 26, 2018
How to Prevent Gum Disease & Gingivitis
If you have been diagnosed with gum disease, gingivitis, or periodontitis, you can rest assured that you’re not alone. In fact, the CDC has estimated that around half of adults in America will suffer from gum disease and many…
Nov 9, 2018
How Tobacco Negatively Impacts Your Oral Health
Smoking cigarettes, chewing tobacco or any other type of tobacco ingestion is known to cause health problems and cancer. However, these substances can also have a negative impact on your oral health and your smile as well. An…
Oct 22, 2018
Common Causes of Tooth Cavities
It’s common knowledge that the best ways to prevent dental cavities include brushing, flossing, and visiting your general dentist for regular cleanings and exams. However, you may not be aware of certain risk factors that can…
Oct 11, 2018
How Celiac Disease Can Impact Your Dental Health
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that can cause sufferers to have an intolerance to gluten. When someone with celiac disease consumes food that contains gluten, their bodies will not properly absorb the gluten, leading…
Sep 27, 2018
Combating Dry Mouth
Dry mouth is not only uncomfortable and frustrating, but can also be detrimental to your oral health. It can be caused by a number of factors including diabetes, autoimmune disorders, mouth-breathing, or as the side effect of…
Sep 17, 2018
Dental Cavities and Veneers
Porcelain veneers are thin ceramic tiles that cover the front of the teeth in order to fix or restore a variety of cosmetic dental issues. They are made of porcelain and attached to the tooth enamel using dental concrete.…
Aug 23, 2018
Dental Plaque vs. Tartar – Differences Between the Two
Many people use the words ‘plaque’ and ‘tartar’ interchangeably. While it’s true that both are a buildup of bacteria on the teeth, there are distinct differences between the two. Here at Coastal Periodontics, it’s important…
Aug 7, 2018
Migraines & Their Link to Dental Problems
It’s known that migraines can be caused by dental problems. Many dental patients who suffer from chronic headaches and migraines have found that dental work can help to eliminate or at least reduce their headaches. Here at…
Jul 25, 2018
Uses for Night Guards & Mouth Guards
Some people use the words ‘mouth guards’ and ‘night guards’ interchangeably, but there are important and distinct differences between the two. In this blog article, we’ll let you know what mouth guards and night guards are…
Jul 17, 2018
Summer Foods that are Healthy for Your Smile
Summer is here, which means that plenty of fresh produce abounds! No matter the time of year, you should be eating a variety of produce to supply your body and teeth with the right vitamins and minerals. But summertime makes…
Jun 22, 2018
Dental Health After Recovering from Addiction
Addiction to various substances is a very real disease that affects the lives of many. Some of these harmful substances can cause damage to your teeth as well as to your overall health. But while addictions can be overcome,…
Jun 18, 2018
The True Cost of Postponing Dental Treatment
If you wake up one morning with a minor toothache, you may just dismiss it. Especially if it isn’t too painful and if money is tight. However, when it comes to dental disease, you need to know that it will never go away on…
May 24, 2018
5 Brushing Mistakes to Avoid
Brushing may seem simple enough, especially because most of us have been brushing our teeth on our own since we were young children. However, there are a few common mistakes that you may be unknowingly making when you brush…