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May 24, 2018
5 Brushing Mistakes to Avoid
Brushing may seem simple enough, especially because most of us have been brushing our teeth on our own since we were young children. However, there are a few common mistakes that you may be unknowingly making when you brush…
May 11, 2018
How to Save a Tooth That Has Been Knocked Out
If you’ve had a tooth knocked out, you know that it can be painful and anxiety-inducing. You may be afraid that the tooth is lost forever, but a knocked-out tooth can actually be saved and reinserted. In order for this to be…
Apr 28, 2018
How to Quit Your Nail-Biting Habit
Nail biting can damage your fingers by leaving the fingertips and nail beds red, swollen, and painful. However, nail biting can also have an adverse effect on your dental health as well. The Academy of General Dentistry has…
Apr 14, 2018
Non-Dental Medical Problems that Your Dentist Can Detect
Visiting your general dentist every six months for a dental cleaning and exam is an important part of keeping your teeth and gums healthy. However, it may surprise you to learn that your dentist can also spot the symptoms of…
Mar 29, 2018
Staying Hydrated for Your Dental Health
We all know the importance of making sure to drink enough water. Proper hydration is vital to your health! However, we don’t hear enough about how good proper hydration can be for your teeth and gums as well!
Mar 16, 2018
Dental Health Tips for Parents of Teens
As your children get older and reach their teenage years, you’re probably noticing that you have less control over their oral and overall physical care. Teens are faced with busier schedules, heavier homework loads, and a…
Feb 28, 2018
Nail Biting Can Damage Dental Braces
Nail biting has the potential to cause damage to your teeth and mouth in a variety of ways, but especially during orthodontic treatment. Nail biting is a common nervous habit caused by stress, anxiety, boredom, or other…
Feb 13, 2018
Foods That Can Help to Prevent Tooth Decay
Obviously, the food and drinks we consume will have a huge impact not only on our overall health, but on our oral health as well. The things we eat interact with the natural bacteria and plaque in our mouths. This means that…
Jan 29, 2018
Signs of a Healthy Mouth & Teeth
While it’s important to know the symptoms of dental problems, it’s just as important to know the signs of a healthy mouth. It’s a good idea to know where your dental health is so that you know what to do if anything changes.
Jan 22, 2018
The Link Between Heart Disease & Gum Disease
Periodontal disease (the advanced stages of gum disease) can have a negative effect on your overall health, oral health included. It’s been found that, if left untreated, periodontal disease can contribute to heart disease,…
Oct 26, 2017
How Secondhand Smoke Can Damage Your Child’s Dental Health
Almost all adults know how much damage can be done to their health if they smoke. What’s less known is the damage that can be done to the people who are in contact with smokers, especially children. Exposure to secondhand…
Oct 5, 2017
How Pregnancy Can Impact Your Oral Health
Women who are pregnant undergo many changes in their bodies. However, what isn’t commonly mentioned is the way their oral health is impacted due to their pregnancy. Because of the surge of hormones experienced during…
Sep 29, 2017
Teaching Kids to Learn How to Floss
Flossing is a vitally important part of everyone’s oral healthcare routine. This is because using floss is the only way to clean the vulnerable areas between the teeth, which are prone to plaque and food debris buildup. Your…
Sep 7, 2017
Fluoride & Children
All parents want to help their children avoid dental cavities. While most parents know that fluoride can help prevent dental cavities, it can be difficult to understand healthy vs. unhealthy levels of fluoride and how to make…
Aug 31, 2017
Xylitol & How it Can Prevent Dental Cavities
It’s common knowledge that sugar is unhealthy for both our bodies and our teeth. If allowed to sit on the teeth for long periods, sugar can cause dental cavities and tooth decay. Fortunately, there is a natural sugar…
Aug 10, 2017
Sinusitis vs. Tooth-aches
Many patients are surprised to learn that there is a connection between sinus issues and tooth pain. If you begin to have pain in a tooth you may automatically assume you have a dental cavity or infection. However, tooth pain…
Jul 27, 2017
What to Expect When Your Children Begin to Lose Teeth
Losing a first baby tooth can be quite a milestone for your child, not to mention the excitement of the Tooth Fairy. However, many parents have questions about what to expect or what’s normal for kids when they begin to lose…
Jul 6, 2017
What You Should Know About Bruxism
Bruxism is a dental problem that causes the clenching and grinding of the teeth during sleep. Bruxism can be the result of sleep disorders or stress, but no matter what the cause is, it can do quite a bit of damage to your…
Jun 29, 2017
Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene While Traveling
It’s just as important to care for your oral hygiene while traveling as it is during your everyday routine. In fact, a change in routine or diet makes it even more important to care for your teeth. Luckily, it’s quite simple…
Jun 15, 2017
Stress & Your Oral Health
Stress can cause high blood pressure, weakens our immune systems and can even contribute to heart disease. However, stress has also been shown to cause damage to your oral and dental health as well.
May 24, 2017
Performing Oral Cancer Self-Checks
While oral cancer can be a scary diagnosis, the prognosis is much better the earlier the cancer is caught. Here at Coastal Periodontics, we want all of our patients to live long and healthy lives. Because of this, we’ve put…
May 22, 2017
Dental Implant Failure & How To Avoid It
Just like any other surgical procedure, there are factors that can cause complications for your dental implants. In rare cases, the dental implants may even fail. We don’t want to worry you, as over 95% of dental implants are…
May 12, 2017
Gardening Tips For Spring
Spring has finally arrived and it’s time for your yard to recover from the harsh winter weather. So grab your tools from the shed, visit the local home improvement store, and read on for some great tips on how to get your…
May 4, 2017
Keeping Your Breath Fresh
Bad breath can be a difficult problem to live with. It can cause embarrassment and isolation from friends and family. There are ways to mask the symptoms, some of which include breath mints, minty gum, or breath spray.…